Hand-making an iOS App (part 1)


If you’re an iOS developer, you likely use Xcode to do the vast majority of your development work. Xcode makes it as easy as possible to get an app up and running, especially for beginners. Plus, with addition of tightly-integrated IDE features like SwiftUI previews and inline macro expansion, you’d have little reason to want to use anything else.

But have you ever stopped to consider how Xcode does some of the things it does? I’m not talking about the aforementioned IDE features, I mean the basic stuff, like:

  1. How is the code that I write transformed into an app?
  2. What is an app?
  3. How does my app run in the simulator?

As someone who learned to code with Xcode, I never even considered that you could develop for iOS without it. I’ll demonstrate how simple it can be to compile a simple iOS .app for the simulator using nothing but Clang, the Xcode command-line tools, and your shell.


We won’t be using Xcode as a build system or IDE, however, we’ll still be dependent on the Xcode command-line tools and the iOS simulator. So make sure you have Xcode downloaded, along with at least one iOS simulator runtime.

The code

// main.c
#include <unistd.h>

int main(void)
    char msg[] = "hello, world!\n";
    write(1, msg, sizeof(msg)-1);

    return 0;

If you’ve ever taken a low-level programming class, this will look familiar. Just a basic hello world program with an additional delay before exiting. I opted to not use the C standard library as a matter of personal taste, but you may feel free to printf to your heart’s content. The extra delay is only there because the simulator will actually show a warning if your app exits too quickly (since apps are typically long-running processes).

You can, of course, run this file on your Mac right now with a quick little clang main.c && ./a.out. However, obtaining a binary that can be run in the iOS simulator requires an extra step.


Don’t run away just yet! I promise this isnt’ as intimidating as it seems.

The Xcode command line tools actually make cross-compilation pretty straightforward. By looking through Xcode build logs in a reference project (plus some trial and error) it seems that we need to set the -isysroot parameter to get a binary suitable for the iOS simulator. isysroot essentially changes the base directory where Clang will look for header files as well as help Clang infer some other important parameters (like the target triple).

However, there’s an easier way if we leverage xcrun. If you’re not familiar, xcrun is just a wrapper around the Xcode command-line tools to support multiple toolchains and SDKs. Taking advantage of that, we can run xcrun -sdk iphonesimulator clang and that will handle setting -isysroot for us.

So, put it all together and the magic incantation would look something like…

# build.sh
set -ex

mkdir -p handmade-ios.app
xcrun -sdk iphonesimulator clang \
    -o handmade-ios.app/handmade-ios \

You may have noticed I’m also creating a directory handmade-ios.app. Let’s get into that.

The app

There are many different ways that you may have seen an iOS app represented on your filesystem. Maybe you’re familiar with .xcarchive, .ipa, or .app. While each of these formats have their own uses, and are closely related, for this post we’re going to focus on the simplest one: .app. Conveniently, this is also all the simulator needs.

A .app file is actually a directory, which is commonly referred to in Apple documentation as the Application Bundle. According to the documentation, the only required contents in a Bundle are:

And that’s it! I bet you thought it was more complicated, huh? With that knowledge, let’s drop some boilerplate into handmade-ios.app/Info.plist and be on our way.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Note: UILaunchScreen is not strictly necessary, but the iOS app’s UI will act strangely if that key is missing.

The simulator

The easiest way to run our new app is by simply dragging the .app folder from Finder to the simulator. This should install the app and put it on the home screen. Just tap on it, and voila!

But where’s our “hello, world?” For that, you’ll have to launch the app from your shell. For example, if you’re using an iPhone 15 simulator on iOS 17.4 you would run xcrun simctl launch --console 9340DADD-23AC-42E0-A6AF-BA720B728DD9 com.example.handmade-ios. If you want to use a different simulator, find it’s corresponding device ID in xcrun simctl list.

And there’s our message! In the console you should see hello, world!.

Simulator automation

We can actually do a bit better when it comes to installing the app. The simctl tool is quite robust, and I’m surprised I hadn’t heard much about it before I set out on this exploration. In order to automatically boot the desired simulator, install the app, and launch the app in one go, you could do something like the following:

# run-simulator.sh
set -ex

xcrun simctl bootstatus $sim_id -b > /dev/null
xcrun simctl install $sim_id ./handmade-ios.app
xcrun simctl launch --console $sim_id com.example.handmade-ios

With this, whenever you make changes you should be able to simply ./build.sh && ./run-simulator.sh to compile and run any changes.

Wrapping up

I hope this opened your eyes a bit as to what is really going on under-the-hood of an iOS app. Sometimes in software it feels like we’re building upon foundations which are impossible fully comprehend. But in reality, once you peek behind the curtain you may realize that what our tools hide from us isn’t that complicated after all. Although Xcode is quite complex, that doesn’t mean that our apps must be complex as well.

Additional exercises

For your reference, here is the source for the code you should have by the end of this tutorial.

  1. Show a UIKit component. Solution
  2. Compile a Swift program rather than C or Objective-C. Solution
  3. Show a SwiftUI view. Solution